If I make a mistake...
I have no problem saying that "I'm sorry." It's very easy for me to apologize, and to admit when I'm wrong. I'm not perfect, I know that, and I'm very willing to accept responsibility for things when I'm at fault.
The reason why I mention this is because "the Captain" does not follow this philosophy. He does not admit to any wrong doing. In fact any mistake he makes is passed down, blamed or handed-off to someone else. Apparently, the captain can do no wrong, and in the very rare instances that he has made a mistake, it's somehow, miraculously, some one else's fault. Just admit when you're wrong dick-head. I'm not going to yell at you. You're not going to get fired. The people will not laugh behind your back any more than they already do. Just say "you're sorry" once in a while. Stop being a shmuck who thinks you can get ahead by tricking me into believing that you're better than your fellow coworkers. You're not, everyone else is better than you. EVERYONE!!!!!
I hate you Captain.
Mr Pu
i think the captain and KCTM (King Crap of Turn Mountain--the total jerkstore i work with) are best friends. possibly relatives. does the captain cough a lot?
Tha Captain needs to be thrown overboard.
Got one of those in my corporate world the name is TWISTER, always twisting things to suit themselves.....yeah......WTF is with these morons who get into these positions??
They get thier postitions by being Dickheads!
I bet people ARE laughing at him!
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