Hu Flung Pu

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Just perfect dear

When someone says "Give me your honest opinion," is it better to lie?

Tonight I was eating a lovely dinner that my wife prepared......eggplant parm. So she asks "Give me your honest opinion?" I say "It's really good, and its got great flavor, but I would've added more cheese." The response I got was this...

"Well, there's plenty of cheese in there, but because I was writing 50 million thank you cards from the baby shower, and you seem to not give a shit about helping me, I left it in the oven too long and it got a little dried out!"

And, my night went downhill from there :(

Mr. Pu

ps - today I found out that I'm an absolutely incredible miniature-golf player


At 6:36 AM, Blogger Ohpuhleaz said...

Sorry, dude, she's pregnant and you did it. The bigger/more uncomfortable she gets, the less comfortable she will make you. It's not all intentional, you should just get used to it.

At 6:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your blog. You always make me laugh. It's hormones and it's bound to be difficult. Just hang in there Mr Pu. :)

At 7:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thinking you should have stayed on the positive since you started there. Sounds like you might have lost either way though since she was already bugged about the "not helping" w/the cards. Pregnant women . . .gotta love 'em!!

At 9:09 AM, Blogger supplymadam said...

Honesty not always the best policy. If my husband comments on something I make I reply with "If I came home to dinner on the table I would be happy it's there" So I guess everything is going to be just delicious from here on in?
Never mess with a pregnant or PMS woman.

At 3:57 PM, Blogger Charlie Mc said...

does this shirt make me look fat?

At 9:11 PM, Blogger Steph said...

just stick your head in a blender. you'll be happier that you did.

At 11:42 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

To the wife, unless it's "do I have something in my teeth?" LIE!!


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