Hu Flung Pu

Thursday, September 15, 2005

The story..............

Well, I'm sitting at home, it's a little past midnight, and tomorrow morning my beautiful little girl and my amazing wife will be coming home from the hospital with the cab fare I left on her end table (just kidding, I'll be picking them up). Anyway, I thought I'd take this time to tell the story of how Isabella was born. I've told bits and pieces to a lot of people, but here's the full story.

Tuesday afternoon my wife calls me at work and complains that she's having a stomach ache. Our thinking at the time was that she was either sick from the rare or medium-rare steak that I'd BBQ'd the night before, or the diuretics she started taking so she wouldn't crap the bed while in labor, were finally having an effect. So, she goes to lay down and after finishing up some odds and ends at work, I wound up leaving about an hour early. I get home, and the two of us are laying in bed, and I decide to time her "stomach aches." They seemd to be coming every 5 minutes. We layed there for about an hour, and she then decided to go to the bathroom, where her mucus plug decided to pay us a visit. As soon as we noticed that, we decided to call dr. Stinky fingers. He said go to the hospital and I'l meet you there. It was now 7:30. We got there and there were more women giving birth then there were beds in the labor/delivery ward!!!! We had to sit in the waiting room. Our dr. finally arrived and he said, lets get out of here, my office is 2 blocks away and I'll examine you there. So, we got back in the car, and at this time my wife's stomach aches were getting a little more intense. We met the dr. and he checked out my wife. 2 cm dilated was she, and her contractions were now 3 minutes apart. He said, this baby wants out, and it wants out fast. Why don't you go home and hang out for an hour and then come back and we'll admit you into the hospital.
Since we lived a little too far for that, we decided to go to my inlaws who were only about a mile away from there. We showed up, unannounced at the door, not realizing that they were having guests and a dinner party. What an amazing way to crash a party. "Hi, mom, we're about to have a baby, and I need to walk around your living room for an hour!!"
So, I called my family, and told them the situation, and said we'd be back up at the hospital around 9:30. When the time came, the wife and I got back in the car, and drove back to the labor/delivery ward, which had thankfully cleared out a bit. Our parents and double down pu were there to cheer us on as we walked by (very dorky). Anyway, My wife still hadn't dilated any further, but her dr decided to give her an epidural at 11pm. She was in lala land and having very strong/massaive contractions and not even noticing, even sleeping for a while. By about 1:30am, she was fully dilated, and ready to push. The crazy cheerleader nurse came in, and coached my wife into three big pushes for every contraction. But my stubborn wife was not content with only three. She wanted to do four, and then she wanted to do five. It got to a point where she didn't even want to rest in between contractions. She was dermined to use every ounce of strength to get this kid out. The dr came back in around 3:00 and then they prepped my wife for the final couple of pushes. I was right there, holding her leg, witnessing the whole child birth from a vantage point that the squemish should never venture near. Anyway, my little daughter was born a few moments later, and my life has since changed forever. I then trned and asked the dr to throw an extra stitch in my wife for me. hahaha.
We spent about an hour in the room with the three of us, and the four grandparents. Then the grandparents left, and the nursery took Isabella upstairs, then they transferred my wife to her room. After she was settled, I wound up leaving the hospital about 6am, and I got home, slept for about an hour, got up, and then proceeded to tell the world about my night.
I always wanted a boy, but there's just something about the way a little girl can make you feel that makes you wonder how you ever lived without her. She fits so perfectly in my arms. I can't wait to get her home.
That's the story of how lil' Isabella was born, a story that I can't wait to share with her one day.


At 7:16 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

That was one of the best stories that I ever heard. Congrats and best of Luck Pu.

At 7:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are one funny man Mr Pu. Great story. Congrats to you and the missus. Isabella sounds perfect. :)

At 7:34 AM, Blogger Vixen said...

Great Story Mr. Pu! Isabella sounds perfect and now you know you'll be having to fight off the boys in 14 years or so ;)

Best to both of you!

At 8:33 AM, Blogger Charlie Mc said...

great story!!!! I am so happy for the both of you!

At 5:55 PM, Blogger supplymadam said...

I don't know whether to smile or cry. Who am I kidding,I'm doing both.
That is a great story! So happy for the three of you. Many great times ahead and looking forward to reading about them.

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Jillian said...

That is so wonderful!! Congrats to both you and your wife!


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