Hu Flung Pu

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I don't understand..

why some people can be so mean. I was in Home Depot the other day and they have this self-check out lane where it can get a little confusing as to whether there are two seperate lines or one line. Anyway, 99% of the people pretty much just let the person who got their first, go before them, regardless of which line they happen to be on. Why the Home Depot people have never fixed this little problem is beyond me. Because it's not just in the Home Depot by my house. It's in any one I've ever been in. Anyway, the other day these two guys get into a full blown argument about who was on line first, and who should go next. "Blow it out your ass." "Fuck you, asshole" "Go ahead, hit me, see what happens to you." Just a sample of what was yelled at each other. Nothing wound up happening, and eventually the two morons went about their way. But the lovely part of this whole scene was that the main guy who started the fight, had his little boy with him. Teaching his little son all the ins and outs of how to be a complete asshole. So now, their will be one more dick head out there thanks to this fucking jerk.
Why people can't be more nice to each other is beyond me. It's really not that hard. Stop making fun of people, stop being nasty, and maybe everyone can get along a little better. Imagine how much nicer this world would be if we were all a little less mean. I'm an optimist but I doubt this will ever come true.

On a side note, a little bit of Pu history for all my loyal readers............the first time I went down on a girl; her older sister, neice and nephew walked in the front door as we scrambled to put all her clothes back on. Lucky for me, we weren't caught, lucky for her I got the job done....... ahhhhhhh the good old days


At 5:41 AM, Blogger supplymadam said...

I find it easier and more rewarding when I'm nice to people. What a shame what his kid is learning from him. Asshole!

At 7:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that extra little tidbit Mr Pu. LOL.

I don't understand why people can't have a little more patience and a lot more tolerance. Especially when kids are within viewing range. Is it really that hard to be a nice person?

At 7:56 PM, Blogger Britta said...

I love to see little kids that are going to grow up to be stereotypes. It renews my faith in the human race.

"it takes a village to raise a child" ('cause some parents are inept)


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