Hu Flung Pu

Friday, September 02, 2005

Ok fans, here’s the latest. So far Mrs. Pu is 100% effaced. Meaning the baby has made its way to the bottom of the cervix. She’s comfortable, resting, staying off her feat, and in the AC. It’s hot as balls up here today! Anyway, the doctor told her she could go any day in the next 10 days. So, our Labor Day plans are very much up in the air. We have some things planned, like dinner with friends tonight, a family BBQ on Sunday, but aside from that we’re pretty much waiting around for the little one to pop out.

I’ll keep you all updated if there’s any further news.
Mr. Pu is about to become a Daddy!!!!!

Ps, one a side note, please donate money to the victims of the Hurricane. The victims, as well as the local and national governments were totally caught of guard and unprepared to handle a crisis like this.


At 4:01 PM, Blogger Ohpuhleaz said...

Good luck! I hope the new little one truly does just "pop" out and it isn't hard or painful.



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